Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sharing a Birthday with the Country...

It's not always easy sharing your birthday with the United States. As ironic as it already is, in my family (immediate family), we were all born on holidays. Mom was labor day, Dad was flag day, brother Jake was Good Friday/April Fools. As for me, I was born on July 4th.

It was a cool thing for me growing up--you see I got a parade and got to see fireworks, except what I didn't realize then was that people weren't celebrating my birthday, but rather they were celebrating our Independence. And hey, who am I to compete with that! But as of late, I've been feeling down now that the big 1-8 b-day is coming near. I feel that compared to the country who is now celebrating it's Independence for it's 232th year, that all I've managed to accomplish through-out my 18 years was going up a few bra sizes. Whoohoo! Yay for me! All that has ever done for me is given me a free phone charger and many back aches (can't really complain about the phone charger though (: )

I know I'm going a little over-board here, but I can't help but think that maybe I should have done something with my life by now. I'm no athlete, have no artistic skills, don't participate in community service, receive average grades, and I've never had a serious boyfriend! Now before you go and think I'm some freak that has no life, realize that this doesn't mean I'm some fat chick that sits around all day. That is not the case, people don't think of me as how I described. II am a rather reserved person (though I'm not shy) and I have trouble letting the real 'me' show. just feel that I have so many directions in life and don't know how to pick or chose.
Okay, well there is my little venting session...just had to throw it out there. Sorry you had to read this if you even bothered! lol

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Twilight Series

Okay, firstly I'm throwing it out there...This discussion could have potential spoilers!
Now then, I have just recently become a Twilight fan--having read the three books (Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse) in three weeks. Since that time I have excessively caught myself up on all the gritty details on the movie and theories for the next book, Breaking Dawn. I’ve researched the author—Stephenie Meyer’s website—and even joined in on some discussion boards. Heck, I’ve even written a review for my newspaper page! (I’m officially a Twilight dork now…am I right?)
What I want to know is: What is everyone else’s idea of Breaking Dawn? What do you think is going to happen in this next saga and what do you expect? What are your thoughts on the movie coming out? Do you agree with who is playing the parts?
Here are my thoughts:
> The Holy Matrimony: In the end of Eclipse, Bella and Edward are engaged and are expected to be married. Bella has graduated and has her mind set on becoming a vampire (and in doing so she becomes part of the Cullen clan). What eclipse leaves is the agonizing wait of reactions of the people in Bella’s lives when they hear the news of their impending marriage. Will Bella become a vampire then and never see her family/friends again? How will she say goodbye?
Then there’s the Jacob issue. Now, Edward and Bella are made for each other, meant to be together. They’re the two pieces of the puzzle that just fit together…soul-mates if you will—but personally, I like Jacob. I was so drawn to this character. I’m not saying I want him and Bella together, but I’m curious as to what happens to Jacob. Perhaps Meyer will write a series of Jacob’s story…?
> The Turning: Will Bella become a vampire question. My questions of this idea are whether or not Bella will be turned deliberately or if she has no other choice—that the time just comes down to it for and it’s a life or death kind of reasons. For some reason, I just can’t grasp my mind around the idea of the author having Edward (or the Cullen’s) turn her. It just seems too easy. Like it almost be like ‘well now what?’.
Anyway, if Bella does end up as a ‘blood-sucker’, what will her special ‘power’ be? As you know, Bella is immune to the mind tricks some of the Vampire’s play on her (i.e. ; Edward’s mind reading tricks, Jane’s pain educing gift), my theory is if/when Bella is turned, she will also be unaffected by vampire conditions (the blood-drinking and such). She may even be more human-like and may even be immune to the change. My idea is that she will be a turning point for vampires and will bring more humanity to them. Her gift may be that she is not fazed by vampire qualities and yet still is able to have the super speed and strength. I’m just throwing it out there.
> Lights, Camera, Action: The movie and characters being portrayed. I actually do like who is casted as the characters. Not so much for Edward, for I had my own idea made up in my head and Robert Pattinson was not who I envisioned. But he seems like a talented actor, and me thinks he’ll pull it off.
Now for Jacob…oh boy do I just love who is being portrayed for him! Taylor Lautner is not only qualified looks wise, but I’m sure he’ll do a terrific job getting into the mind of Jacob. I believe he even has Native American heritage…not positive though. Oh…and I love the fact he’s from Grand Rapids Michigan. I live around that area! There is a bit of controversy that he is too ‘small’ and ‘young’…but ladies have you seem him recently? Ya, he has matured, that’s for sure! Lol.

~ Okay, now that I’ve wasted valuable homework time typing this (enjoying myself in the process), I want to know your thoughts on these subjects or others. What a great way to procrastinate eh?
~ Oh! and I found his sweet blog on the movie—a lucky girl who works behind the scenes tell us about her experience…she even has pictures! Here is the link for it:

(No Idea who the art work was made by...I found it on the web so...)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Little Things in Life

Okay, so lately I've been under a lot of stress. It's not just the work load of school, but it's my life in general. There are so many turning points, and it's hard to choose which direction to follow. I have grown a lot as a person this last past year, and I'm amazed at how a year can cause such a drastic change.

So before going more in depth hear, you need to know a fact about myself. I do not handle stress well. I am not someone you want to be around when times get sticky, I tend to go off into denial land. Now when I do handle it, all I do is degrade myself and compare myself to others...yes it's pathetic but that's just how I am.

This year though, life has presented many growing points for me and I see life in a different perspective. I've been working on being more spiritual and looking for the spiritual meaning in life situations.

For example, my neighbor who we aren't really that close with, has been having health problems. Not even knowing him and his life story, I could see a change in him. He seems to value life more. I questioned why this man would deserve such a traumatic experience to happen to him. I like to believe that our life is designed to test us in many ways and opens are eyes to the real meaning behind what is seen by the beholder.

Now, I don't want to sound like a preacher here, so I'm going to turn this around and just say that I am very grateful for what life has given me, and I'm that I appreciate even the simplest things in life that allows me to see through a different light.
~Oh and the picture above is one painted by Thomas Kinkade. He is my favorite artist and I find his paintings peaceful and meaningful.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One of THOSE days...

Okay so today is one of those days were you find yourself in a slump. I woke up today with the idea in my head I was going to cut back on my carbs (I’m trying to fit into a prom dress and it's a little hard when you take in mass consumptions of carbs). Well as it turns out, that plan didn't follow through. You see I walk down stairs, open all the blinds and whola....there's a spread of doughnuts on the table. All thoughts of "the diet" seem to disappear and I figured hey why not? Well, I'll tell you why not. I've been working my butt off (literally) trying to get fit (not that I’m fat, I'm just pleasantly plum...well kind of. I'm not fat but I'm like every girl out there trying to lose that stubborn fat that wont leave!)...anyway, and it's sad because I crave carbs the moment I wake up. It's got that instant kick of energy my body needs. Anywho, as the day rolls on it's not getting any better. I walk into chemistry and low and behold its test day! Yippeee...NOT! So I get home (at 7 because I work), and am in a serious need of caffeine seeing how I'm drained to the max. So I decide to forgo the whole gym scene tonight seeing how I'm pooped. I decide to kick back and chill, and then the reminiscing starts and I start thinking of all the things I need to do and here I am just sitting here...getting fatter because I skipped working out today and I ate that good-for-nothing doughnut! I start feeling guilty about it all and can't even relax! So my question to you is: Do you ever find yourself in a slump? How do you get out of this little "state-of-being"? And how do you not feel guilty when you have so much to-do but you’re just so exhausted and force yourself to relax? Or am I freak and I'm the only one experiencing all this? Anyway, happy Wednesday all.