Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sharing a Birthday with the Country...

It's not always easy sharing your birthday with the United States. As ironic as it already is, in my family (immediate family), we were all born on holidays. Mom was labor day, Dad was flag day, brother Jake was Good Friday/April Fools. As for me, I was born on July 4th.

It was a cool thing for me growing up--you see I got a parade and got to see fireworks, except what I didn't realize then was that people weren't celebrating my birthday, but rather they were celebrating our Independence. And hey, who am I to compete with that! But as of late, I've been feeling down now that the big 1-8 b-day is coming near. I feel that compared to the country who is now celebrating it's Independence for it's 232th year, that all I've managed to accomplish through-out my 18 years was going up a few bra sizes. Whoohoo! Yay for me! All that has ever done for me is given me a free phone charger and many back aches (can't really complain about the phone charger though (: )

I know I'm going a little over-board here, but I can't help but think that maybe I should have done something with my life by now. I'm no athlete, have no artistic skills, don't participate in community service, receive average grades, and I've never had a serious boyfriend! Now before you go and think I'm some freak that has no life, realize that this doesn't mean I'm some fat chick that sits around all day. That is not the case, people don't think of me as how I described. II am a rather reserved person (though I'm not shy) and I have trouble letting the real 'me' show. just feel that I have so many directions in life and don't know how to pick or chose.
Okay, well there is my little venting session...just had to throw it out there. Sorry you had to read this if you even bothered! lol