Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One of THOSE days...

Okay so today is one of those days were you find yourself in a slump. I woke up today with the idea in my head I was going to cut back on my carbs (I’m trying to fit into a prom dress and it's a little hard when you take in mass consumptions of carbs). Well as it turns out, that plan didn't follow through. You see I walk down stairs, open all the blinds and whola....there's a spread of doughnuts on the table. All thoughts of "the diet" seem to disappear and I figured hey why not? Well, I'll tell you why not. I've been working my butt off (literally) trying to get fit (not that I’m fat, I'm just pleasantly plum...well kind of. I'm not fat but I'm like every girl out there trying to lose that stubborn fat that wont leave!)...anyway, and it's sad because I crave carbs the moment I wake up. It's got that instant kick of energy my body needs. Anywho, as the day rolls on it's not getting any better. I walk into chemistry and low and behold its test day! Yippeee...NOT! So I get home (at 7 because I work), and am in a serious need of caffeine seeing how I'm drained to the max. So I decide to forgo the whole gym scene tonight seeing how I'm pooped. I decide to kick back and chill, and then the reminiscing starts and I start thinking of all the things I need to do and here I am just sitting here...getting fatter because I skipped working out today and I ate that good-for-nothing doughnut! I start feeling guilty about it all and can't even relax! So my question to you is: Do you ever find yourself in a slump? How do you get out of this little "state-of-being"? And how do you not feel guilty when you have so much to-do but you’re just so exhausted and force yourself to relax? Or am I freak and I'm the only one experiencing all this? Anyway, happy Wednesday all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you are trying to loose weight, I would not recommend eating dough nuts. Eat healthy foods and you will not feel hungry for bad foods. And you will work out more too b/c you will have more energy. Try it trust me it works.